
{Project Run & Play} Pantone Party 2024 with Raspberry Creek Fabrics

It's our favorite time of year!  We're back for Project Run + Play's Annual Pantone Party.   We love participating in this yearly tradition because the Pantone of the Year usually takes my girls out of their comfort zone.  It helps them try new colors they wouldn't normally choose and they're on trend!  

PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others. It's a velvety gentle peach tone whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul. source

This is the first year that both girls are teenagers so I gave them free creative reign.  We were lucky to be paired with our favorite fabric company, Raspberry Creek Fabrics, who generously supplied the fabrics for this project.  For years, we've enjoyed the quality of fabric and the amazing selection.  With the addition of the RCF Design Studio, the selection is unbelievable.  I used the search feature to "narrow down" fabrics that a) coordinate and b) would match each girl's aesthetic and of course c) match the pantone of the year.   From there, the girls chose their fabric and which pattern.  

I had to laugh when they both picked the same pattern without knowing it. This year's featured pattern from the Project Run + Play is the Rimini Romper by Call Ajaire.  This is the first time I've actually sewn the entire romper; I've been hacking the bodice into a crop tank since its debut.

My oldest has more of a minimalist aesthetic so she chose a faux linen print, Linen_pale peach by Dariara and we printed it on double brushed poly.  She really loved the subtle linen design. 

Tip: If you are sewing this pattern in double brushed poly and adding the pockets, you'll want to stitch the pockets to the front legs before completing the pants.   

What we love about the Rimini Romper is how well-drafted this pattern is.  The princess seams in the bodice really help hug her body perfectly.  With rompers, especially, it's very important to take accurate measurements to ensure a great fit.  I blended an 11 chest, 12 height, 14 rise and inseam, and a 9 waist.
I love sewing special pieces for my girls because we cannot get perfectly fitting items off the rack.  

She's so super happy with the finished romper!  Sewing for teens can be tricky so allowing them creative control means they will be more likely to be happy with the final outcome.  I can't wait for summer when she gets really tan because this peach color is going to pop against her skin!

My youngest (and newest teenager) is [a lot] more vibrant in her clothing selection and personality.  She chose True Sweet Peach by Ivie Cloth Co., also printed on double brushed poly.  She prefers it for comfort and I love it for the drape.  She decide to forgo pockets and while I usually love adding pockets, it did make it a quicker sew!

While she used to be a few inches shorter than her big sister, she's really caught up over the last couple of months.  I blended sizes 10 chest, 12 height and rise, 9 waist and a 14 inseam.  I wanted to leave the hem longer because the poor girl has been growing out of all her pants during this growth spurt.  Fingers crossed I left it long enough!

I can't believe I now have two teenagers.  They were 4 and 2 when I started sewing for them.  How time flies.

Are you Team Faux Linen or Team Peach?

Don't forget to join in the Pantone Party!  Details here

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