
{Riley Blake Designs} Lucy June by Lila Tueller


Last week, I was prepping for Christmas, but today, I'm soaking up the last month of summer with this gorgeous floral summer dress.  I always get excited when Lila Tueller releases a new collection because she's my favorite designer.  I love her handpainted, vibrant prints featuring large flowers.  Her color combinations are equally stunning.  

Her newest line, lucy june for riley blake designs is a gorgeous collection inspired by summer gardens.  The color palette is aqua, pink, plum and lime.  There's even a fun avocado print!

I tend to gravitate toward the main aqua print because I love the oversized floral prints.  This time, however, I sewed up lucy june flowers aquaI loved the added whimsy of the polka dots in the background and the size and repeat of the flowers were perfect for a twirly dress.

I've been dying to try out the emilia dress by little lizard king and it did not disappoint!  It comes with several options and I chose all the little details.  My daughter still loves her dresses and I'm going to cherish every moment she allows me to still make them for her.  At 10, I know I'm on borrowed time.

It has a gorgeous low back which is perfect for our hot summers.  

Fit tip:  If your child has a smaller waist size than chest size, it's important to blend the waistline down at the side seams to the smaller size so the back doesn't gape open.  My daughter currently has a 6 chest, 4 waist and 10 height.  

One of my favorite details is the curved hem with ruffle.  I love that Riley Blake cottons drape so well on ruffles.  And of course, I had to add the pockets!  Pockets are always a must.

These straps are SO fun and unique and easier to sew than you think!  I do wish I had ordered a pink coordinate to peek out on the bottom layer, but all one print is pretty too.

We all know my daughter's favorite part is the twirl though.  The bottom ruffle really makes the difference in the twirl.  It's totally worth the extra effort of gathering.

Gathering tip:  Run 2 lines of gathering threads (at 1/4" and 3/4").  This helps hold the gathers while you attach the skirt.

Be sure to head to your favorite quilt shop to find Lucy June this month!  You'll fall in love with all the prints.  I definitely need to grab the main print for a maxi dress I've designed in my head!

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