The most gorgeous collection is coming to Riley Blake Designs this month!! This will be a two-part reveal because I feel like each dress needs its own post (and possibly because I didn't quite get the other one finished in time).
Gemstones Bright by PSD2 for Riley Blake Designs features gorgeous, vibrant tones in an ombre confetti pattern that runs selvage to selvage. This collection contains 16 color combinations.

Picking a pattern that would showcase the gorgeousness of the fabric proved to be more difficult that I imagined. While a maxi dress would show off the ombre effect in its entirety, a shorter dress is what she prefers. I decided to try out the Holland Dress by Little Lizard King. I used nearly every inch of the two yards to create the 3-tiered skirt. My daughter is a 7 height and the 3 tiers fit perfectly across the selvage. Once I had the pieces cut, I flipped them different ways to see which combination had the most striking outcome.

After I cut the 3 tiers, I had just enough left to cut out the bodice. I used each of the 3 colors for the different pieces of the bodice. I really love how the blue back bodice pops against the golden side pieces.

These colors together are so gorgeous. It reminds me of a triple-scoop cone of sherbet ice cream.
I love how the colors melt into each other and the confetti pieces make it the perfect party dress. Now, we just need a party!
Thank you Riley Blake Designs and PSD2! I am completely smitten with this collection! Stay tuned for my older daughter's selection!!
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