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Hampton Garden by Lila Tueller for Riley Blake Designs

Having sewn for Riley Blake Designs as a blogging contributor for a few years now, there are several fabric designers that I love to sew again and again.  Just by seeing their name, I know it'll be a collection I'll fall in love with.  Lila Tueller is on my list of favorite fabric designers. Her new collection, called Hampton Garden is simply stunning.  This is a colorful and vibrant...

{Project Run & Play} Week 4: Signature Style

Yay!!!  It's the final Week of Project Run & Play and it's been an incredible journey making it to the finale.  This week is all about Signature Style.  From the start, I had my idea locked in --- after all, signature style should be easy.  When I pulled out my fabrics to sew this week, they just didn't inspire me.  Cue the panic... 😳  Fabric selection is...

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