
CraftingCon Princess Month: Everyday Jasmine

My daughters LOVE to play dress up.  The Disney Princesses are a family favorite.  In fact, everywhere I turn in my house, there is something princess-y.  My girls have nearly every Princess dress (either handmade or Disney... or gasp, knock-off) but they are rarely worn outside of our palace house.   The handmade ones are far too poofy to safely buckle them into their carseats and the store-bought ones are a weird polyester(?) that is sweltering hot in this weather.  Luckily, Amy & Tasha of Friends Stitched Together, and Maegan & Karen of of Mae&K have an answer for my girls' dreams of dressing up as Princesses OUTSIDE of our house!  As soon as I saw details for CraftingCon, I was hoping I'd be lucky enough to be a contestant!

The premise of CraftingCon is to show of our inner geek (in my case, Princess Geek) while creating a wearable, everyday outfit for our child.  One Princess my girls have nothing of, but absolutely love, is Jasmine.  She doesn't get a lot of shelf space and is often overshadowed by Cinderella, Belle, Snow White and others.

I set out to change that.  I wanted to keep some elements true to Jasmine, such as the billowy pants and gold accents, but make it child-friendly enough that she could slide down a slide, go grocery shopping and PROPERLY be buckled into her carseat.  Of course, I also wanted it be something my 3 yr old could put on completely by herself without any help.

Removable golden bow

To achieve my goals, I used the Hummingbird by Rabbit Rabbit Creations, Serendipity Trousers by Sewlosohpy, and Magic Genie Applique by Frou Frou by Heather Sue (and a whole lot of gold ric rac and bias tape).  You can read my full details (fabric choices and pattern modifications) over at my contest submission for CraftingCon.

I've got one happy little girl!!  Of course, Jasmine's best pal, Rajah is often seen by her side.  Good thing my neighbor's cat was out and about!

"Butter" seriously showed up randomly at the start of our photoshoot!

Detailing on the Serendipity Trousers

Of course, my 5 year old wants to know where her Jasmine outfit is.... now to make it school dress-code friendly!

I wonder what other Princesses I'll also tackle this fall.

Remember.... go read (and see even more pictures) at CraftingCon -- CLICK HERE

I can't wait to see what the other contestants come up with!

P.S.  Remember my Summer Snow White I made for the CraftingCon Kickoff Blog Tour?  This gets worn ALL.THE.TIME.  Read about it HERE!

Crafting Con

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4 comments on "CraftingCon Princess Month: Everyday Jasmine"
  1. I adore that bow on the back! The details are adorable!

  2. You already know I think this is adorable! I love it so much!! Thanks for joining us!

  3. Love your interpretation! I'm all about every day princess dresses too. :)
