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Sew-A-Bration of Womanhood: Dance Like No One's Watching

CAN'T. STOP. TWIRLING. Oh, what my neighbors must think of me....LOL I am thrilled to be a part of the Sew-A-Bration: Honoring Our Common Threads Blog Tour, hosted by Call Ajaire and the Shaffer Sisters.  This blog tour has been a month-long celebration either sewing for yourself or for the other great women in your life.  It's not often that I take part in some self-care sewing...

TUTORIAL: Brownie-Goose Summer Sailor REMIX

Brownie Goose Summer Sailor Shorts - Remix Edition  <- From this                 To this -> **** ORIGINALLY AIRED ON WELCOME TO THE MOUSE HOUSE ON JUNE 29TH, 2013 **** Hayley has invited me (okay, I may have invited myself…haha) to share my remix edition I did of the Brownie-Goose Summer Sailor Shorts. ...

CraftingCon Blog Tour: Summer Snow White

Mirror, mirror on the wall...who's the geekiest of them all? Wait, what?! I am a bit geeked out to be a part of CraftingCon's "Is My Geek Showing" Blog Tour!!  I do have to admit, I know nothing about some of the other monthly themes (like Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Dr Who, Divergent... need I go on?!).  Apparently I live under a rock...haha.   BUT, I do happen to...

The End of Chapter: Adventures in Speech

I'm taking a break from blogging about sewing to share some exciting news. Today is a BIG day for my 5 year old.  Today, she GRADUATES the Speech Program through our local school system.   I have an immense amount of pride in the determination my daughter has shown over the last few years as well deep gratitude for her Speech Teacher, who truly is nothing short of amazing. Here's our...

Little Lizard King Blog Tour: Sweetheart Dress

I am soooo excited to be on blog tour with Little Lizard King! I was told to be creative with the pattern I was given... and I really hope the team at LLK doesn't regret uttering those words to me. HA! I'm here to share my take on the Sweetheart Dress which features a round neckline yoke, fitted bodice, and gathered skirt. A button enclosure adorns the back. As soon as I started...

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