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Riley Blake Designs Basics {Stripes} - A Rainbow of Possibilities

Stripes are my favorite color.... yep, I said it!!  I can't tell you how many stripes I've sewn over the last 7 years since I bought my sewing machine, but I can tell you this:  I've matched every single one of them.  When I saw Riley Blake Designs had an entire section of just stripes, I knew I had to get some.  A portion of the 1/8" stripe selection The only problem was...

{Mouse House Creations} Lulah Market Top & Skirt

This post contains affiliate links.  By purchasing through my links, a small percentage is returned to me.  This is at no additional cost to you!   Miss A was just 18 months old when I came across an accomplished seamstress online (on, named Hayley Crouse.  I hopped over to her blog Welcome to the Mouse House and started reading.  Seeing...

{BLOG TOUR} Back to School 2019

👏👏👏 YAY!!! It's finally time to go back to school!  I'm probably in the minority here, but I love when the kids head back to school.  My girls love school and would honestly go year-round if it were offered.  We've been counting down since like, well, the 2nd week of summer break.  HA!! I always look forward to participating in blog tours, especially ones that help...

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