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Ellie Inspired: Spring 2014 Collection Blog Tour: Nonie's Baby

Eeeek!! It's my first time on tour... I'm a bit excited, can you tell?  For those who may not know me, I'm Kari.  I started sewing about 18 months ago and often wonder why I waited so long!  I sew mainly for my two adorable daughters, and every once in a while I sew something just for me.  I sew, I blog (not as much as I sew), and I even sell some of my custom...

Welcome to my Fauxtography Studio

Now, I am by no means a professional photographer.  Heck, I don't even own a DSLR camera.  But, I am a mom who photographs my kids and desperately needed to "think outside the box" when it came to indoor photos.  My camera (Sony Cybershot-HX100V) performs so much better outdoors so that is where I take the majority of my pictures.  BUT, what do I do when the outside is...

Perfectly Playful in the Everyday Playdress by Love Notions

  It's not everyday that I have the opportunity to try a brand-new designer.  I recently came across a new designer, Love Notions (creator/owner of Dunk-N-Fluff) on Facebook.  She was getting ready to send her first pattern out for testing - a cute, versatile, all-knit playdress - named the Everyday Playdress.  Unfortunately, the testing timeline didn't mesh with my schedule....

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