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PATTERN REVIEW: Skinny Legs Leggings by Little Kiwis Closet

It's that time of year... when time enters warp-speed because you have a million items on your Holiday to-do list.  Luckily, sewing up a pair of Skinny Legs Leggings by Little Kiwis Closet takes no time at all. Lydia, the owner of Little Kiwis Closet has been asking me for a few months now if I could/would review one of her patterns and well, our schedules just never quite matched up....

Ellie Inspired 2014 Holiday Collection Blog Tour

Whew, is it Christmas-time already?!  It seems like yesterday that I went on tour for the first time with Ellie Inspired for their Spring Collection. Time flies when you are having fun :) Hop on the tour bus... cuteness overload ahead :) I am here today showing off my version of Holly Days Dress & Tunic.  It's such a classic design with its puffed sleeves, peter pan collar,...

BLOG TOUR: Betty Skirt by The Shaffer Sisters

Fabric laid out, measurements chart nearby, scissors in hand. Blink. "Miss 5, you have a new skirt ready!  Do you love it?!" Yup, this skirt was that fast. __________________________________________________ Today, I have the pleasure of hopping on the virtual tour bus, driven by The Shaffer Sisters, and sharing some Betty Skirt love. First of all, my girls freaking love skirts....

REVIEW: Sweet Innocence by My Treasured Heirlooms

WOW.  I love how this turned out! As you read, you'll see just how many feet of fabric I ruffled and exactly why it was worth every minute and inch. The moment I saw the listing for Sweet Innocence by My Treasured Heirlooms, my breath was taken away.  The fullness of one of the under dress options caught my eye, the cascading skirt ruffle had me dreaming of fabric combos, and the different...

Stitch Box Monthly: October

Woo-hoo -- happy mail!!  After opening my mailbox day after day, receiving bills, bills and more bills (and none of them being dollar, I was so happy the day my Stitch Box Monthly showed up!  If you haven't heard of SBM, it's basically a mystery box of sewing goodies that shows up in your mailbox each month (or however long you have signed up for).  Each box has a theme...

REVIEW: The Traveler Cape by Stitchwerx Designs

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go! Okay, so I'm pretty sure this song isn't about Little Red Riding Hood, but she is on her way to Grandma's with her basket full of goodies.   Of course, Little Red wouldn't be complete without her signature cape & hood! Enter the Traveler Cape by Stitchwerx Designs. The Traveler Cape is so versatile....

SHOP REVIEW: Paradise Beads Designs

*In exchange for pictures, I was sent the necklace for free.  I was not compensated in any other fashion, nor required to write a review.  All views and thoughts are mine, and mine alone. * OH. MY. WORD.   This necklace! A few months ago, I met Kristen - owner of Paradise Beads Designs - a fun boutique full of one-of-a-kind chunky bead necklaces. How did I meet Kristen? I...

REVIEW: Sew Groovy by Ola Jane Patterns

NOW available in sizes 6m - Girls' 14 WHOA -- things just got a little bit GROOVIER at Ola Jane Patterns! Sew Groovy just got UPsized!!!  Outta sight, right? Now, I'm no child of the 60s, but there's nothing wrong with channeling your inner hippie. Yes, Sew Groovy is a peasant dress, but it's way more boss (that's 60's slang for fantastic) than your run-of-the-mill peasant...

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